How did the Black Death increase contact between the regions of Europe and what were the consequences?

Western Civilization How did the Black Death increase contact between the regions of Europe and what were the consequences? Make sure that you: directly address the topic demonstrate a grasp of historical facts and the narrative (what happened in history) and, most importantly, offer an explanation that answers questions such as: “how?” “why?” “what does […]

What exactly did the Romans achieve in each area and how does it exemplify Western Civilization?Explain.

It has been said of the Romans that three of their major contributions to Western civilization were in the areas of law, engineering, and the Christian religion. What exactly did the Romans achieve in each area and how does it exemplify Western Civilization. • Use Chicago or MLA citation format—See the Mary Rampolla book Chapter […]

Highlight historical figures who provide a different perspective on the history of Western Civilization.

The purpose of this assignment is to: Highlight historical figures who provide a different perspective on the history of Western Civilization. Introduce students to the use of reliable reference sources. Foster critical thinking skills as students review one another’s work. Encourage interaction among students as they review and edit one another’s work.   Instructions for […]

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