Describe how this leader’s research/work has added to the body of IO psychology knowledge. Do you see an opportunity for further research in this area?

Leading Minds in the Industry Part 1: Watch ONE of the Ted Talk listed below. 10 Great TED Talks on Industrial-Organizational Psychology – – Shawn Achor: The Happy Secret to Better Work – Dan Ariely: What Makes us Feel Good About Our Work – Alain de Botton: A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success – […]

Address the issue of identification procedures, bringing in information you learned from our discussion and the textbook. Could this have been avoided? What and how can we learn from this? -Discuss our reaction to this specific case – what is your take away and thoughts after watching the video?

1. Watch Ted talk: This Ted Talk is by Jennifer Thompson who was the victim of a sexual assault and then misidentified her attacker during the police investigation. When watching this video, think about what you learned in Chapter 10 on identification procedures. 2. Write a one to two page response to this Ted […]

Understanding the Social Issue: Explain which social institutions are involved in the social issue and how they are involved.

Understanding the Social Issue Describe the title of your TED Talk and who you would like to see in your audience. Then address the following: Understanding the Social Issue Describe your chosen social issue from Week 1 and explain why it is important to address. Using your sociological imagination, explain what your chosen social issue […]

Explain why you selected this persuasive TED Talk and how it illustrated effective persuasive communication.

In this course, you will be using the tools of intercultural rhetoric to identity a prooiem in your community that needs solving and propose a way to address that problem. Steven Johnson’s TED Talk “Where Good Ideas Come From” explores how people can generate ideas through conversations with others. • After reviewing Steven Johnson’s TED […]

Review the TED talk by Stuart Firestein (The pursuit of ignorance).  Then review the powerpoint slide (50 year weather trends in Eastern TN and Western NC).

Review the TED talk by Stuart Firestein (The pursuit of ignorance).  Then review the powerpoint slide (50 year weather trends in Eastern TN and Western NC).   In a 1-2 page essay, discuss how Firestein suggests you should approach this data.  Please submit a clearly delineated essay. 1) Introduction with a clear thesis statement 2) Review […]

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