Should omissions be criminalised to a greater extent than they currently are?

PLEASE READ THIS GUIDANCE AND LISTEN TO THE ASSESSMENT ONE LECTURE, AVAILABLE THROUGH MINERVA WHY AN OP-ED? As you may have noticed, the OpEd replaces what was previously a group presentation in the criminal law module. We changed the method of assessment from 2019 onwards because: • Students had limited opportunities to produce and practice […]

Critically discuss the challenges of implementing the recommendations. It may be helpful to identify what type of clinical area you are considering for implementation.

hue the process by which the guideline was produced (found in the methods section) and one section of clinical recommendations (this means a short section of the guideline containing several specific recommendations). Analyse and critically discuss the challenges of implementing the recommendations in a setting of your choice. You may wish to refer to a […]

What is the curricular context that the assessment is focused on?

— 5 questions each for both topics (aiming for 90+%)In 1–2 paragraphs, explain a curriculum area that you would find in nursing program. Specify the purpose of your test. Is it formative or summative, and why? What is the curricular context that the assessment is focused on? Who is the audience? *You may use a […]

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