Define and describe types of primary data and how they are obtained. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of primary data.

In order to complete this task, you will need to consider as a first step the factors outlined in the course materials, referring as a start to the lessons on Quantitative Research and Qualitative Research and add relevant academic sources to your answer. • In response to this question, you need to explain the importance […]

Critically evaluate ethical and methodological considerations associated with applied secondary research, considering the implications for strategic leadership and organisational development.

In your appendix you may want to provide further detailed documentation of points made in the findings. Examples include: technical data, tables, charts or leaflets. An appendix contains supplementary information that you consider to be too long, complicated or not quite relevant to include in the main section of the report but is still relevant […]

Analyze the data of each subgroup within the schools to demonstrate the achievement level. Interpret the data and indicate the level of mastery for each subgroup.

Collect secondary data from three schools with similar demographics, and dis-aggregate the data of each sub-group. An exemplary source of secondary data is School Improvement Plan (SIP) reports. Analyze the data of each subgroup within the schools to demonstrate the achievement level. Interpret the data and indicate the level of mastery for each subgroup.

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