What event, observation, feeling, memory, experience or occasion is being recounted or described in this poem?

Choose a poem we read in this lesson (listed here) and re-read it. “The Act” (in lesson) “Introduction to Poetry” (in textbook) “At a Certain Age” (in lesson) “For a Father” (in lesson) “For a Lady I Know” (in textbook) “Sonnet 130″(in textbook) “Making a Fist” (in lesson) Write a journal entry (about 200 words […]

Poets: Write an analysis of the poet and his/her work.

Poet Analysis Research a couple of poets; for example, who were some of your childhood favorites? They need not be old classics, they can be newer ones such as Shel Silverstien. Spend the time researching and gathering as many poems and information about your poet as possible. Next, Follow these instructions in writing an analysis […]

Explore literary criticism that either supports or refutes the view that bias does in fact, exist, or suggests another inherent meaning. Provide a cogent, logically reasoned  article you can support with evidence through an informed discussion.

Choose a short story, play or poem. Relying upon your own analysis and literary critics you find, draw upon those earlier examples of literary criticism, to aid you to identify possible bias . Demonstrate how the author reveals this bias or ideological predisposition. • Then explore literary criticism that either supports or refutes the view […]

Which immigrants’ experiences reflected the message of the poem? Provide specific examples from the readings, films, assignments, and Module Content.

READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS/ MULTIPLE PARTS!!! What is the message of this poem? Which immigrants’ experiences reflected the message of the poem? Provide specific examples from the readings, films, assignments, and Module Content. Which immigrants’ experiences did not reflect the message of the poem? Provide specific examples from the readings, films, assignments, and Module Content. Following […]

Explicate the poem. How do various elements of the poem work together to create the poem’s meaning?

Explicate the poem. How do various elements of the poem work together to create the poem’s meaning? How does the poem’s theme relate to war? By “elements of the poem,” . Referring to terms such as the imagery, tone, rhyme scheme, metaphor, simile, and so on. THAT IS THE PROMPT. NEED GOOD INTRODUCTION WITH THESIS […]

What is the short poem, “Moonlit Night” (1031) about? Who do you think “she” is in the poem? What is the general atmosphere and feeling of this poem? What in the poem contributes to these feelings?

1. What is the short poem, “Moonlit Night” (1031) about? Who do you think “she” is in the poem? What is the general atmosphere and feeling of this poem? What in the poem contributes to these feelings? 2. Like Tao Qian, Du Fu also mentions is “ Thatched Roof” (1032). What is the difference in […]

Once you have selected your poem & watched the video, do some research on the author of your poem

This week, we will begin research on your poem for the first major essay. To help get you started, below are a series of resources you can use to complete the required research component of the unit. Watch: Watch the following video on research and academic databases: Academic Databases: AcademicDatabases.mp4 Play media comment. End Citation […]

In a well-written essay, analyze the purpose, tone, style, and rhetorical stance of Maya Angelou and Frederick Douglass

Read the selections “My Guilt” by Maya Angelou and the autobiographical account of the life of Frederick Douglass. The poem written by Angelou reflects her guilt for not standing up for what she deems is a just cause, particularly the issue of Civil Rights. (Maya Angelou was a contemporary writer). Douglass gives his first-person account, […]

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