What’s more important in the play–its social criticism or its conventional, even conservative structure? Why do you think this?

What’s more important in the play–its social criticism or its conventional, even conservative structure? Why do you think this? Much of the humor in “The Importance of Being Earnest” comes as Wilde makes fun of Victorian culture, with its superficiality and snobbery. But the play does still use the traditional form of a romantic comedy. […]

How would you characterize Elizabeth Sawyer in the play “The Witch of Edmonton”?

How would you characterize Elizabeth Sawyer in the play “The Witch of Edmonton”? What do we know about her (appearance/social class/etc)? Compare her selling her soul to the devil with Dr. Faustus? How are they alike? How are they different? Use examples Use the plays “The Witch of Edmonton” and “Doctor Faustus” to answer the […]

Analyze the dynamics between the relationship between two characters who appear in the first two acts of the play.

You will answer two questions in your initial post. Your initial post should consist of at least two paragraphs; each paragraph should consist of at least five sentences. Question 1: Analyze the dynamics between the relationship between two characters who appear in the first two acts of the play. Is there love or a conflict […]

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