Critically read and compose an approximately two-page review/summary. Your summary should focus on highlighting key aspects of the pathology, including underlying mechanisms, current treatments/management, and future outlook.

Critically read and compose an approximately two-page review/summary. Your summary should focus on highlighting key aspects of the pathology, including underlying mechanisms, current treatments/management, and future outlook.

How is the body affected by the disease? Explain in detail the cells, organs, organ systems affected by this disease. Include a picture with this part

Syphilis Slide 1- Introduction Description of the disease. Include a picture Slide 2- History of the Disease Where was the disease first discovered? Who discovered it? Where, How? Include a picture with this part. Slide 3- Who is affected by this disease? Age group, gender, cultural group who is most at risk or affected by […]

Explain whether the health condition has a direct  effect on the system you chose, explaining why this system was impacted more than the other systems studied during this week.

Health Condition being discussed is Pernicious Anemia. Determine whether your health condition impacts the system you selected directly or indirectly. Most health conditions have a profound impact on only a few of the systems. Remember that the systems of the body work collaboratively as a single week. A lack of homeostasis in one system often […]

Clearly Explain etiology of the disease process. Clearly explain the cause of the disease process. Thoroughly explain signs and symptoms of pathology

Primary Case 1: Hypovolemia and Case 2 is Substance misue. Both diseases of hyvolemic shock and substance misuse to exists and pertain to one patient only. Ensure that PRIMARY Case 1:Hypovolemic Shock has 6 pages and  Case 2: Substance misuse has 6 pages Answer the questions systematically and in order in essay format. Ensure to […]

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