Analyse what a bad digital footprint looks like?Assess why digital footprints can be dangerous for individuals or an organisation, what could be done to build a good digital footprint or erase a bad one?

In this assignment, you are expected to produce 2000 words Report where you will explore the concept of digital footprint, analyse what a bad digital footprint looks like?Assess why digital footprints can be dangerous for individuals or an organisation, what could be done to build a good digital footprint or erase a bad one? And […]

Evaluate and apply the outcomes of an analysis using Porter’s Five Forces model to a given market sector.

brand management Evaluate and apply the outcomes of an analysis using Porter’s Five Forces model to a given market sector. P3 Applying Porter’s Five Forces model evaluate the competitive forces of a given market sector for an organisation Apply models, theories and concepts to assist with the understanding and interpretation of strategic directions available to […]

Identify TWO of the performance objectives and discuss how performance could be improved by making changes to the process.

Select TWO different organisations from different business sectors and name them. Consider the following factors for each of the organisations. The sector the organisation is classified in, provide justification for your comments. Draw the input, output, transformation process which is applicable for the organisations, include resources and required output. Provide a brief discussion under each […]

iscuss the concept of employee engagement within an organizational setting.Explain the importance of the dimensions of employee engagement within an organization.

On completing the chapter, you will be able to: 1 Analyse the concept of employee engagement in order to explain its contribution to organisational success Assessment criteria. 1 Analyse the concept of employee engagement in order to explain its contribution to organisational success 1.1 Discuss the concept of employee engagement within an organisational setting. 1.2 […]

Analyse the current market situation, considering relevant internal and external factors using appropriate frameworks and summarising them in a SWOT analysis to identify trends impacting on the selected product (good, service, experience or idea) and relevant stakeholders, collaborators and/or competitors;

In the interim assessment report, you are required to identify one product (good, service, experience or idea) of an organisation (brand) of your choice. We suggest you choose a product (good, service, experience or idea) of your organisation of employment. However, this is not a requirement. In your interim assessment, start by providing adequate context […]

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