Analyze of the role of the brain in a disorder or a brain process. Examine the neuroanatomy of the topic, the neurotransmitter systems involved, and any other biological system, such as hormones, that may be involved.

The Biological Basis of Behavior. In your paper, Analyze of the role of the brain in a disorder or a brain process. Examine the neuroanatomy of the topic, the neurotransmitter systems involved, and any other biological system, such as hormones, that may be involved. Identify any life-span implications, how the topic is studied, and relevant […]

Discuss the four components of the neuron: cell body, axon, presynaptic terminal, and dendrites. How do neurons communicate with one another?

1.How are neuroscience, neuroanatomy, and neurophysiology related to one another? How do they differ? 2.What is functional magnetic resonance imaging and how can it be used to improve our understanding of language functions in the brain? 3.Discuss the four components of the neuron: cell body, axon, presynaptic terminal, and dendrites. How do neurons communicate with […]

Submit a peer-reviewed scientific article on some aspect of Neuroanatomy/Neurophysiology  

Submit a peer-reviewed scientific article on one of the following specific Neuroscience topics: Topics include a) Spinal cord injury/recovery b) Neuronal development; C) Rho GTPases in neurons; d) Nanomaterials in the nervous system. To receive the points, the paper must be peer-reviewed, from a scholarly journal and relate to some aspect of the special topics […]

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