Provide the item or topic of interest that could be a risk or liability.Provide a brief description of the law or code, including any court decisions that can influence emergency services agencies.

As the president of your state fire chiefs association, you are concerned that not all agencies are aware of the numerous laws, national codes, and regulations that can affect a local fire department. You want to provide a simple tool to help them identify their potential legal risks and liabilities. Create a checklist of legal […]

Identify and examine defences to liability for criminal offences, particularly the circumstances in which they may be used.

As part of the formal assessment for the programme,you are required to submit a Criminal Law assignment. Refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments. 1.Understand the key legal principles underpinning aspects of criminal law, and their wider context. 2.Analyse and evaluate […]

Are there situations where a nurse might be held liable for negligence and medical malpractice in addition to, or even instead of, the doctor and the health care organization? How can nurses attempt to avoid such liability?

Liability situations Are there situations where a nurse might be held liable for negligence and medical malpractice in addition to, or even instead of, the doctor and the health care organization? How can nurses attempt to avoid such liability?

Examine all of the elements that need to be proven for any criminal offences you think are relevant to the parties you are asked to advise.

Advise Jennie, Jasper and Pablo of their likely criminal liability for any offences, including any defences they may have.You are instructed to advise three people in respect of their possible criminal liability. Examine all of the elements that need to be proven for any criminal offences you think are relevant to the parties you are […]

What is meant by the Principal-Agent relationship? What are the duties of each? Are Widgets driver’s agents? What is the law as to deeming one an employee versus an independent contractor?

Widgets operates a ride-sharing business in a small town. Your boss at an investment firm has asked you to evaluate Widget’s legal exposure for the conduct of its drivers, given the information below and identify, and to explain the law and legal liability in this vast new gig economy world. Write a 3 to 4-page […]

Critically explain the scope and functioning of the defence of duress and examine whether ‘as a concession to human frailty’ someone should be exempt from liability to criminal sanctions if she takes an innocent life rather than sacrificing her own.

Criminal Law Duress is not a defence to murder. Critically explain the scope and functioning of the defence of duress and examine whether ‘as a concession to human frailty’ someone should be exempt from liability to criminal sanctions if she takes an innocent life rather than sacrificing her own.

Identify the ownership form for this business, taking into consideration tax implications, liability exposure, managerial ability, and cost of formation.

Week 4 Assignment – Creating an eCommerce Business Too often, entrepreneurs brimming with optimism and enthusiasm launch businesses destined for failure because their founders never stop to define a workable strategy that sets them apart from their competition (Scarborough & Cornwall, Entrepreneurship and Effective Small Business Management, p. 106). Develop an idea for a prospective […]

Define what is meant by the concepts of limited liability, and/or liability protection. From the perspective of a Christian worldview, is it wrong for a business owner to use a business organization form that provides for liability protection?

You have a good friend named Frank who is planning to form a new business. He comes to you for advice. He is a Christian, and he wants to obey God in the operation of his business. He is concerned as to whether Christians should attempt to minimize their tax burdens, after all, “Render unto […]

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