Critically assess the concept of hegemonic masculinity. Discuss with reference to empirical examples.

1. How do materialist feminists understand women’s place in society? Critically assess the limitation of their position in relation to either intersectionality or postcolonial theory. 2. Critically assess the significance for feminist thought of a shift from ‘working on women’ to ‘theorising gender’? 3. Drawing on an empirical example critically assess the concept of ‘intersectionality’. […]

How does Shakespeare use race and gender to enable conversations about society, about identity?

How does Shakespeare use race and gender to enable conversations about society, about identity? Talk about intersectionality. Gender and race mixed up. Class? Attempted rape by Caliban make it about gender Ariel – ambiguous in gender terms. Deliberately imports gender to complicate race and race to complicate gender. Differently read by different people, different audiences […]

How do Zadie Smith’s characters understand and experience its effects? How does the novelist draw the readers’ attention to the concept? How do reviews or critical analysis include it in their evaluation of the novel?

You are required to rewrite the essay plan attached in the additional materials into a 2000 word essay. The question is: Explore the concept of Intersectionality in the novel NW by Zadie Smith. The sources are listed in the bibliography and you must use all the sources and include them in the essay using the […]

How do Zadie Smith’s characters understand and experience its effects? How does the novelist draw the readers’ attention to the concept? How do reviews or critical analysis include it in their evaluation of the novel?

Explore the concept of Intersectionality in the novel NW by Zadie Smith. The sources are listed in the bibliography and you must use all the sources and include them in the essay using the Harvard referencing system. The essay needs to be focused and specific to the topic of Intersectionality. How do Zadie Smith’s characters […]

What gave rise to the concept of intersectionality, what was the federal court’s reasoning denying a case on both race and sex discrimination, and why does Crenshaw conclude that reasoning is invalid?

The origins of “intersectionality”To understand what intersectionality is, and what it has become, you have to look at Crenshaw’s body of work over the past 30 years on race and civil rights. A graduate of Cornell University, Harvard University, and the University of Wisconsin, Crenshaw has focused in much of her research on the concept […]

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