Which question surprised you the most? For example, which one had you not thought about their role until this point?Explain.

MAKE SURE TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ON THE WORKSHEET- Directions are on the worksheet. This discussion board will utilize information from this entire unit. Read through and answer this worksheet , assessing culpability during the Holocaust. Organize your thoughts to communicate in the discussion board. Be sure address the following in your post: Which question […]

Explain the background on the author, especially in relation to the Holocaust.How does the poem relate to the bigger picture of the Holocaust?

The Holocaust Select any 2 poems about the Holocaust. You can select from the following list of poets/poems or conduct additional research on Holocaust poetry. Make sure to get approval from your instructor if you are selecting something not on the list. Click on the link to see the list: Write an analysis of each […]

After reading the Yad Vashem accounts of educators during the Holocaust, what lessons do you take away that can be applied to teachers of today and the future?

Teaching the Holocaust   First, read these two articles:yadvashem-righteous-teachers and pewtrusts-as hate incidents rise states require teaching the holocaust After reading the Yad Vashem accounts of educators during the Holocaust, what lessons do you take away that can be applied to teachers of today and the future? After reading the Pew Trust report, what are […]

For this project, you will be writing a research paper comparing and contrasting the holocaust with a more recent genocide

For this project, you will be writing a research paper comparing and contrasting the holocaust with a more recent genocide. This should demonstrate everything you have learned throughout this unit and this course. Research the holocaust and one other genocide, ethnic cleansing, massacre, or applicable civil war. Your paper must use a minimum of five […]

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