What was the research question, and why was it important to study? What information was missing from previous literature that this study set out to provide?

Begin with one short paragraph explaining why you selected this article and how it is relevant to your final project. My research question was: is MBTI test reliable? Summary of the article. a. What was the research question, and why was it important to study? What information was missing from previous literature that this study […]

Are there other elements that you need to include like the cost of goods sold or marketing? Include this in your final project plan.

Create and submit a financial plan that will be included in your final project. Put together a table in your plan that shows income and expenses that will need to result in your ROI. Justify your costs. Include possible risks. Are there other elements that you need to include like the cost of goods sold […]

Which article have you selected to analyze for the final project?What are the research question(s) asked in this article?

In your journal assignment, address the following for the primary article (article is attached) in your selected set: 1∙ Which article have you selected to analyze for the final project? 2∙ What is the purpose of this article? 3∙ What are the research question(s) asked in this article? 4∙ What is the hypothesis in this […]

Why you chose it; why you think it is interesting and under reported/underappreciated?How you would go about getting material for your talk?

Submit a paragraph or two that describes what you would like to do for your Final Project. Go here for more information about the requirements for the Final Project. For this topic proposal assignment,. • What would be the central topic of your talk? • Why you chose it; why you think it is interesting […]

Discuss the implications of your analysis for understanding a certain moment in history and evolution of an idea better.

The final project for this course is the creation of a literary analysis paper.The paper should use one to three texts from the course to build its analysis. You may use texts we have read or other texts by writers on the course reader. If you would like to use another text or writer, please […]

Explain the subject you chose and why it’s worth exploring in the Humanities.What specific elements of the representation lead you to your conclusions?

This part of the final project is the paper that presents your description and analysis of your selected works. Explain the subject you chose and why it’s worth exploring in the Humanities Describe each of your selected examples, including 1) information about its creator; 2) its historical or cultural context ; and 3) link to […]

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