Evaluate whether the Court of Appeal has achieved the right balance in its interpretation of the requirement with regard to the legal principle of double jeopardy.

Description S 78 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 requires ‘new and compelling evidence’ as one of the conditions to be satisfied for the Court of Appeal to order a re-trial of a defendant who has been acquitted. Evaluate whether the Court of Appeal has achieved the right balance in its interpretation of the requirement […]

Write a report to the legal team working on the case indicating which points can be taken at the appeal level

McKeever v. Northernreef Insurance Co SA [2019] Lloyd’s Rep IR 535 Under the assumption that the insurers have been granted a leave of appeal by the Court of Appeal, Write a report to the legal team working on the case indicating which points can be taken at the appeal level. In your report, you must […]

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