Compare and contrast how the two ethical theories you have chosen are different.

In the early modules, we discussed ethical theories. These are ethical relativism, ethical egoism, utilitarianism, Kant’s deontology, and natural law theory/virtue ethics. In the later modules of the course, we discussed several problems in applied ethics. You may choose from those applied ethics cases or choose one of your own. Structure of the Essay 1. […]

Do the sources your peer describes in the annotated bibliography connect to their argument in a clear and easy-to-understand manner? If so, how so? If not, what are some ways in which your peer could strengthen those connections?

In your own words, identify the argument of your peer’s persuasive essay. What are they aiming to prove? Has your peer adequately addressed opposing viewpoints? Which of the summaries could use more clarification? How could your peer’s summaries be improved? Please paste an example and, if appropriate, offer your own edits. Has your peer provided […]

Identify the controversy/conflict/problem/debate/trend.

Below is one one suggested way of assembling your final project. The numbered divisions outlined and explained below are the elements that you should include somehow within your paper. How you cover this material is up to you. Read the superior sample paper, "The Price Is Right," found in this module for an example of […]

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