Communicable diseases:Has there been a rise in the rate of communicable diseases, and if so what is attributed to the rise in disease?

M9 Assignment. Purpose: Communicable diseases are a public health issue that not only impacts the individual diagnosed with this type of disease but the community as a whole. It is important to address risky behavior to limit the spread and impact of these diseases. Therefore, the goal of this assignment is to explore specific prevention […]

‘We are healthier today than previous generations because of public health’. Discuss.

‘We are healthier today than previous generations because of public health’. Discuss. Communicable Diseases (800 words) We are healthier now – vaccine programs 1950s – now. Mass vaccination has increased life expectancy, we have vaccines now for diseases we didn’t have 70 years ago Childhood immunization program Challenges to vaccination programs – delivery/uptake Anti-vaxxers threaten […]

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