Analyze how organizations use business analytics to support their business/operational models in a real firm context.

Company Data Analysis Analyze how organizations use business analytics to support their business/operational models in a real firm context. The objective is to apply the concepts that we will learn during the module to a business setting. For that purpose, choose a firm (a business organization or a non-profit or an educational institution ), and […]

Business Analytics: From the following data and given output, determine the equation of the regression line and correlation coefficient.

BDA 201: Introduction to Business Analytics From the following data and given output, determine the equation of the regression line and correlation coefficient. Test the slope of the regression model to determine whether there is a significant negative slope, use t test. Use Alpha =.05. Test also the overall model.    X               4          6          […]

What is Business Analytics?What kinds of technologies are used in Business Analytics?Explain.

In this assignment, you will research Business Analytics and how these techniques are used to help businesses. Your paper should be at least 2 single-spaced pages long and include proper citations. In the research paper you should address at least the following topics: What is Business Analytics? What kinds of technologies are used in Business […]

Describe business decision(s)where analytics can be used to address that business problem/opportunity.(For example, you might choose the job of a manager in Human Resource Function.

ITSS4353–Assignment–1:Business Analytics Opportunity(100 points) Assignment:As a student in this course you must be able to describe the importance of applying business analytics in your job/functional area. 1.Pick a business problem/opportunity in your job/function where you would use business analytics. 2.Describe business decision(s)where analytics can be used to address that business problem/opportunity.(For example, you might choose […]

Write the problem formulation in algebraic form. When you do this, you can use the variable names as X1, X2, X3, X4 and X5. This will make the typing easier.

Description BUS 365, Introduction to Business Analytics Follow instructions closely. They are all written in the document attached. Note you will need to submit two files. Submit one Word file and one Excel File. Your assignment is to formulate the attached problem as a linear program with an objective to maximize profit. You would use […]

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