How would you describe the depth and breadth of content in the video?Discuss, in some depth, how the theme if identity was explored in the film.

For the Lesson Five Discussion, you will write an original post in which you share your thoughts about the video “Boomalli – Five Koorie Artists” (National Film and Sound Archive of Australia). Be sure to follow all instructions, answer each of the questions below, and to develop your ideas in some depth. Original Post:  discuss […]

Explain why these works are clear examples of either the High Renaissance of the Mannerist movements.

Write a paragraph assessment for each piece. Explain why these works are clear examples of either the High Renaissance of the Mannerist movements. Think about what political, social, or philosophical concepts lead to this important period in art?    

Select a single work of art that was produced between the years 1800 and 1940.

writerschoice For this short essay (minimum of 2 typed pages), you will select a single work of art that was produced between the years 1800 and 1940. The object you can choose to write about does not have to have been made by an artist we looked at in class, and you are free to […]

Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes of Saint’Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna Italy a painting. Describe the abstract visual communication of the art, describe how the audience is meant to perceive and move through the artwork visually and abstractly.

Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes of Saint’Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna Italy a painting   Describe the abstract visual communication of the art, describe how the audience is meant to perceive and move through the artwork visually and abstractly. Describe the abstraction and aesthetic qualities of the work. Develop an essay with a thesis statement/introduction, supporting […]

Give two examples of works in the humanities that show the significance of the arts in giving form and meaning to the human event

Give two examples of works in the humanities that show the significance of the arts in giving form and meaning to the human event (you can choose the area of the arts to explore). In other words, name two works of art and then make a case for how they have shaped and added value […]

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