What was asked of you to the best of your ability?

1.Briefly tell the reader what you have reviewed and what you found. State how the recommendations identified would help the company achieve entrepreneurial sustainability and identify any other benefits you feel are useful. 2. References 3. Appendix Never leave data, graphs or tables in the appendix without stating the source. Remember the appendix does not […]

Briefly discuss how your WBS was developed-physical and functional breakdown, which techniques and how?

Prepare Work Breakdown Structure for the project. 1.What is WBS, why to use it. 2.Briefly discuss how your WBS was developed-physical and functional breakdown, which techniques and how? 3.Provide the chart of your WBS either in the main body or in the appendix. 4.If your WBS can be perfectly fitted into one page, you need […]

Outline of the UK tax policy motivation for capital allowances and the calculation of the allowances for the CAP y/e 31 March 2021 (in order to do this please use a plant and machinery capital allowances computation table that you should include as the Appendix 1 to the letter). (20 marks)

QUESTION 3 Tielemans Limited has a twelve-month chargeable accounting period (‘CAP’) running from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021. The adjusted trading profit for this CAP has already been calculated at £1,800,000 before deduction of capital allowances for plant and machinery. The capital allowance computation for the last CAP closed with written down values […]

Calculate the compliance ratio of some general accounting policies according (As per section A of the content analysis in the appendix of this assignment). Discuss the compliance ratio that you found.

I selected the company Bell way, you will find attached the annual report. As part of your analysis (in more detail), you are required to find out the following: 1 – Calculate the compliance ratio of some general accounting policies according (As per section A of the content analysis in the appendix of this assignment). Discuss the compliance ratio that […]

WHAT ARE LESSONS PLAN for non-native speakers

The assessment for this module is a piece of written work (100%), consisting of the following components: 1) Two lesson plans: one lesson plan for teaching listening/speaking; and the other one for teaching reading/writing. 2) You are required to choose authentic (non-textbook) materials for the two lesson plans, together with your designed exercises which help […]

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