Describe the preschool’s and preschool teacher’s double task of creating conditions for both care and play and learning in the preschool’s activities

Play and care in preschool Describe the preschool’s and preschool teacher’s double task of creating conditions for both care and play and learning in the preschool’s activities Reflect on, and evaluate, children’s needs for care, children’s play and children’s learning from a care ethics perspective.

Discuss how the following terms might apply to this scenario: prognosis, latent stage, remission, exacerbations, predisposing factors.

Ms. A, age 35, was given a Pap test during a routine medical checkup. The test showed marked dysplasia of cervical cells but no sign of infection. Discuss the purposes and uses of diagnostic testing and how it applies in this scenario. Discuss how the following terms might apply to this scenario: prognosis, latent stage, […]

Explore the nature of school’s community by analysing relevant data and identifying specific local strengths and challenges. Design, implement and evaluate a practitioner based enquiry that seeks to maximise the assets of the community or to limit the barriers to learning.

Explore the nature of school’s community by analysing relevant data and identifying specific local strengths and challenges. Design, implement and evaluate a practitioner based enquiry that seeks to maximise the assets of the community or to limit the barriers to learning. How can I encourage reluctant readers to engage with a variety of texts in […]

Explain why, based on its biological and molecular components, this pathogen is of concern to public health.

In Module Two, you will submit a paper that describes the health issue, how the issue developed, why the pathogen is a concern based on its molecular and biological components and that includes a general discussion of how biology informs public health programs and interventions. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric. […]

Discuss how Teachers of the Deaf can ensure there is an appropriate balance between deaf learners receiving targeted support and developing independent skills in your chosen subject area.

Identify any subject/area of the national curriculum* that is of particular interest to you and discuss how deaf learners can be supported to access this subject in relation to a specific key stage. Discuss how Teachers of the Deaf can ensure there is an appropriate balance between deaf learners receiving targeted support and developing independent […]

Which techniques do you see in the video that are described in the following research articles?

In this class, where ELLs are learning English Language Arts alongside other students, the teacher uses teaching techniques that support her ELL students’ academic progress and language acquisition. Which techniques do you see in the video that are described in the following research articles? Read the “English Language Learners and Bilingual Program Models” section of […]

What did you agree with in the book?What challenges do you foresee in implementing the author’s recommendations?

Write a book report on For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood… and the Rest of Y’all  Reality Pedagogy and Urban Education by Christopher Emdin comparing the information in this book with the information learned in Section 1 of this course, and your own experience. You must address the following: o What did you […]

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