What were the chances for European American men and African American women to alter their physical and social circumstances, within the historical contexts in which they resided?

750 Word Essay Theme: Limited chances for upward mobility for American immigrants. Based on American Yawp, Lectures, and Videos No other sources permitted; and Essay must include all sources. What were the factors that shaped the lives of A.P. Giannini and Irene Gaines? What were the chances for European American men and African American women […]

Identify the theme, thesis or focus of the article. How was the article organized and what materials were used to substantiate the author’s conclusions?

Summarize the article, Black, Frederick R., “The American Revolution as “Yardstick” in the Debates on the Constitution, 1787-1788, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 117:162-185. Identify the theme, thesis or focus of the article. How was the article organized and what materials were used to substantiate the author’s conclusions? Identify the two primary opinions or […]

Which president is the topic of this article, and what is the time frame for the article? What is the foreign policy topic being discussed?

The title of the article is “It Would Be a Terrible Thing if we Handed These People over to the Communists”: The Eisenhower Administration, Article 14(d), and the Origins of the Refugee Exodus from North Vietnam. By Philip E Cotton, Diplomatic History, Vol. 39, No. 2 . In terms of the content of the report, […]

Identify two to three scholarly resources, in addition to this Module’s readings, that evaluate the impact of leadership behaviors in creating healthy work environments.

Many of us can think of leaders we have come to admire, be they historical figures, pillars of the industry we work in, or leaders we know personally. The leadership of individuals such as Abraham Lincoln and Margaret Thatcher has been studied and discussed repeatedly. What is your leadership philosophy? In this Assignment, you will […]

Provide the historical context for the document or what happened at the time the document was written.Describe at least five key points the document conveys.

Follow the instructions carefully. You are to answer some questions and write a three-page essay. Answer these questions and write a three page essay. Use footnotes. • Give the complete bibliographic citation for the primary source. • Author of document: • Name of document: • Date of document: • Type of document : • Intended […]

Explain how gender and the sexuality have been overlooked in American history and the way in which gender and sexuality have shaped daily life in the United States.

European Colonization Explain how gender and sexually were central to European colonization of the Americans, the development of the slave trade, and the establishment of social order and hierarchy in the British colonies of North America and the in the United States. Explain how gender and the sexuality have been overlooked in American history and […]

Examine the nature of his advice to Beowulf and place it within the context of the events within the poem.

Using evidence from Hrothgar’s speech or sermon, examine the nature of his advice to Beowulf and place it within the context of the events within the poem. You should consider how the advice was relevant to Beowulf both as a warrior and as a king and whether Beowulf followed the advice.

What were the strategies that the political elites used to develop Latin America? How did these strategies change over time?

Read the article attached: Nationalism and Development An Overview. Using that article and any outside sources write an essay answering the question: What were the strategies that the political elites used to develop Latin America? How did these strategies change over time? Also using evidence why do you think there is so much inequality in […]

How was the enforcement of the code a means of unifying Hammurabi’s empire? How is our justice system compared in fairness with Hammurabi’s code? This should be a very through and detailed response.

After studying Hammurabi’s Code, we can identify many similarities and differences with our own set of laws that govern this country. Your assignment is to analyze and compare the laws of American society with Hammurabi’s code. This should not be, however, just a listing of points. Who or what determines the criteria of fair penalties […]

Who wrote sang it? What was their agenda or stance on the subject? Discuss the lyrics and what it is protesting. Include how whatever they were protesting fit into that time period.

Find a song from this era and write about it. Who wrote sang it? What was their agenda or stance on the subject? Discuss the lyrics and what it is protesting. Include how whatever they were protesting fit into that time period.

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