Do you think the film captured, metaphorically or literally, the ways in which Jews conceived of their own experiences of survival and their path to a homeland after the war? If so, how? If not, why not? Did Bauer and Patt’s articles illuminate any aspects of the film in particular?

Holocaust DP camps immigration After viewing the film The Illegals* and reading this week’s assigned secondary source readings, please consider to what extent the film conveys realistically  the plight of Jewish survivors in post-war Europe and beyond, as portrayed to some extent in the readings you’ve completed this week and in the past few weeks. […]

What are the time frames in which the different events documented occur? -Why is it a documentary and not a narrative film?

As preparation for writing, you will need to watch the film more than once, and take notes as you watch it. Try to answer these questions: On first viewing: -Where does the film take place? -Who are the people who are given a voice? -What did you learn through this documentary? -What are the time […]

What suggestions would you offer the chief executive officer of CMA regarding team development?What experiences have you had working in a team?

Back at your office, you pull files on your work with other companies and create a proposed agenda for Jared to consider. You send it at noon, and by end of day, you receive a reply from him okaying the half- day session. Because most companies use teams in today’s organizational environment, you know that […]

How well do you think FDR’s New Deal and Second New Deal addressed the fundamental problems in American society that caused the Great Depression?

Answer the following prompt: The 1920’s ushered in a sense of an “American way of life” built upon business, consumerism, and prosperity. The Great Depression revealed that not all Americans could realize that American way of life. How well do you think FDR’s New Deal and Second New Deal addressed the fundamental problems in American […]

How could reformers’ efforts be construed as social control? What roles did women have during the Progressive Era?

Answer the following prompt: During the Progressive Era social reformers attempted to address the many societal problems in American society. What were some of those problems and how did reformers try to fix them? Historians today recognize that reformers’ efforts could also be considered a form of social control- How could reformers’ efforts be construed […]

should he be considered a champion for democracy?Discuss.

Answer the following prompt: The legacy of Woodrow Wilson’s presidency is perhaps one of the most debated by historians. Some historians argue that he was a champion for democracy and his efforts to secure a more equitable world in the aftermath of WWI demonstrates his commitment to world peace. Others point to his restriction of […]

Do you think Malleus Maleficarum accurately reflects society’s attitudes to women at this time? What role might it have played in the witch-hunts in Europe? What about in Scotland?

Witch Hunts and Popular Culture Respond the Paige discussion attached below , demonstrate good engagement with her discussion . What do you think of her discussion about the Malleus Maleficarum . Replies should be detailed, thoughtful, and bring in new ideas and examples in paragraph-long replies in order to expand and further discussion. Do you […]

Explain the concept of natural rights. Choose two Amendments and explain how they help protect people’s natural rights.

An underlying principle of the United States Constitution is the protection of people’s natural rights. Explain the concept of natural rights. Choose two Amendments and explain how they help protect people’s natural rights.

Explain how your chosen person impacted the Civil War Era. Focus on 2 aspects on how they impacted history. Who were they? Be sure you have historic information and analysis, not just biography.

Choose a person from the Civil War Era. The Person I choose to write about is Abraham Galloway. Post about the Civil War from their perspective. You can talk about any aspect of the Civil War, but you must look at it from your character’s perspective. In other words, you are no longer living in […]

Analyze the impact of industrialization on the lives of workers and farmers. How did people organize to challenge the new industrial elite? To what degree were these efforts successful?

Write a well-developed essay on one of the questions below. Your essay should display a firm understanding of the major trends regarding the topic backed by appropriate specific examples . Since this is a “take home” assignment, you should also take time to correct spelling and grammatical errors. Your final essay should be well thought […]

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