Write an essay explaining the most important event that took place in Europe in the 1300s, why it was so important and how it changed Europe.

Western Europe during the 1300s. Answer this question in an essay about five hundred words: “First, review everything you have learned about Western Europe during the 1300s. Write an essay explaining the most important event that took place in Europe in the 1300s, why it was so important and how it changed Europe.”

Was the Emperor Diocletian right to believe that the spread of Christianity represented an existential threat to the Roman Empire?

Roman Empire Answer this question in an essay about five hundred words: “Was the Emperor Diocletian right to believe that the spread of Christianity represented an existential threat to the Roman Empire? Why or why not?” (This question is NOT about whether he was right to destroy it, only about whether he was right to […]

British American Colonials: What did they (British American Colonials) want before the War for Independence?

British American Colonials What did they (British American Colonials) want before the War for Independence? Why did they get angry with the British Parliament (which obviously changes the rules by imposing restrictions and new taxes) that went against a century of past practices and tradition? Did becoming independent and solving their problems ( Art of […]

 Evaluate the extent of change in ideas about American Independence from 1763-1783 

U.S HISTORY. This week will be the Mid-Term Examination. You will have the entire week to review the Essay and write a well-thought out response to the prompt. Be sure use historical thinking skills and take a stand on the prompt. In addition your essay should include a discernible and defensible thesis statement. Directions: Using […]

Read excerpts from The “Good War” by Studs Terkel on Blackboard and answer the following question: Should World War II be considered a “Good War?”

Read excerpts from The “Good War” by Studs Terkel on Blackboard and answer the following question: Should World War II be considered a “Good War?” The stories presented by Terkel are first person accounts of the Second World War by Americans who lived through it at home as civilians or as soldiers. In Elizabeth D. […]

Select a major event in the second half of American history, describe the event, its outcome, and explain why it is significant in the course of American history.

The Battle of Chancellorsville AMERICAN HISTORY VOL II is the book, and it has to be one of the sources. Select a major event in the second half of American history, describe the event, its outcome, and explain why it is significant in the course of American history.

Trace the origins of World War I, and assess if the world war was inevitable in 1914? Explain if it was possible for the United States to maintain neutrality in World War I.

World War I Review the following resources: Link (video): A War to End All Wars: Part 2 (6:56) Link (library article): The Treaty of Versailles and the Rise of Nazism Then, address the following: Trace the origins of World War I, and assess if the world war was inevitable in 1914? Explain if it was […]

A clear description of the major obstacles that the person/group needed to overcome and the strategies they employed to overcome them

A clear overview of the person/group origins and how they got started in the battle for voting rights. You can provide personal details (birthplace, etc.), but the section should also begin to provide a sense of historical context as well (progressive era, 1960s, etc.). To the extent possible, describe what you think motivated this person […]

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