Assess a current semi-direct or indirect nursing situation that is in need of change.

In this assignment, you will assess a current semi-direct or indirect nursing situation that is in need of change. Observe a healthcare environment, focusing on areas of the nursing process that are inefficient, unsafe, or problematic in nature. Diagnose the problem and choose a nursing change theory that suits the change(s) you want to make. […]

Select a dental hygiene topic of their choice and conduct a literature review of a minimum of three research articles

Literature Review and Evidence Table Students will be divided into groups of three individuals. Students will select a dental hygiene topic of their choice and conduct a literature review of a minimum of three research articles; this literature review will be associated with the exact same research topic and paper that will be researched in […]

Research and locate a current journal article on nursing leadership styles.

Assignment Overview In this assignment, you will research and locate a current journal article on nursing leadership styles. The article must be from a professional, peer-reviewed nursing journal published within the last 5 years; and then write a summary of your findings. Assignment Details: Perform the following tasks: Complete the reading assignment and the interactive […]

Write a discussion of underlying beliefs about nursing (and what kind of nurse do you want to be)

Personal Philosophy of Nursing: 1) Included a discussion of underlying beliefs about nursing (and what kind of nurse do you want to be) (2) Minimum of three values are reflected for nurses (3) Reflects your own perception of the primary role, goal and purpose of nursing 4) The perception of personal role in the profession […]

Write a paragraph responding to this question: If you had 24 hours to do whatever you wanted (money is no object), what would you do with your day?

Write a paragraph responding to this question: If you had 24 hours to do whatever you wanted (money is no object), what would you do with your day? Other students will be able to see what you post and you can comment on others’ posts. After reading the instructions, click on the forum “Online Writing […]

There are 4 types of connective tissue in the body. List the 4 types and then thoroughly explain why these tissues are grouped together as connective tissues. What do they have in common?

B. There are 4 types of connective tissue in the body. List the 4 types and then thoroughly explain why these tissues are grouped together as connective tissues. What do they have in common? C. A typical response in tissue injury is inflammation. Explain what happens during an inflammatory response and how this aids the […]

What were the facts and court holding in the Quinlan case?

Research Paper_Bioethics_Case of Karen Ann Quinlan  You have been tasked to develop an in-service education product concerning the end of life decisions. Your instructions are to base your analysis on the case of Karen Ann Quinlan. Research this, then write an analytical research paper. Be sure to include the following information in your paper. What […]

Discuss the problem of survey response, its impact on social research, and the need for representative samples.

Discuss the problem of survey response, its impact on social research, and the need for representative samples. Read and reference the attached material to help answer the question–material attached is a book titled “Doing Sociology” by jammie price, roger straus, and Jeffrey Breese

Choose a video to watch. It MUST be from the subject and topic: LITERACY & ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grade Level MUST be from 5-12 grades.

Field/Video Experience Observation Choose a video to watch. It MUST be from the subject and topic: LITERACY & ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grade Level MUST be from 5-12 grades. You can choose the “framework” of your liking. In your paper indicate the following: Content area and Title of the video: ATLAS video#: The grade level category […]

Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy for Latino Youth With Type 1 Diabetes and Depression: Analyze this Case Study

Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy for Latino Youth With Type 1 Diabetes and Depression: A Case Study   Indicate in the first paragraph of your paper which article you choose and which client you will be writing about by referring to their pseudonym. Follow the guidelines below and rubric (attached) in order to complete the assignment: Write […]

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