What is the full APA-style citation for your article?

Pick anyone you choose to follow instructions.

Go to UWO’s online library journal database titled “Business Source Premier” and search for an OB-related article in Harvard Business Review. You can search for terms like job performance, organizational commitment, motivation, occupational stress, teamwork, leadership, organizational culture, etc. to find OB-related articles. Try to find an article published within the last 10 years.

Read your OB-related Harvard Business Review article, then answer the following questions in a Word document (about 2 – 3 pages).

1. What is the full APA-style citation for your article?

2. Briefly summarize the main points of your article and its conclusions/recommendations.

3. Discuss your experience reading the article. What about this experience was easy, what was difficult, did you recognize any concepts from our MHR 351 class in the article?

4. As a future business practitioner/manager, what insights from the article could you apply to your work in the field of business?

5. As a future business practitioner/manager, why is it valuable to periodically read and understand research about organizational behavior and management?

Make sure your Word document is professionally formatted and proofread. Then, submit your document below.

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