1. Introduction
a. Reintroduce the problem
b. Overview of literature
2. Teacher Burnout (What is it?)
a. Definitions (teacher stress, fatigue, emotional exhaustion)
i. Maslach—give his characteristics here
b. Trends/statistics
i. Who is burning out?
ii. When?
c. Transition to why they are burning out
3. Causes of Teacher Burnout
a. Introduction
b. Workload & Time Pressure
i. Prepping
ii. Grading
iii. Number of students
iv. Salary
c. Student Issues
i. Disciplinary issues
ii. Student motivation
d. School Culture
i. Working with others who are burnout
ii. Leadership
iii. Expectations of administration
iv. Lack of administrative support
v. Lack of professional development and ongoing support
4. Effects of Teacher Burnout
a. Introduction
b. On Teacher
i. Stress
ii. Exhaustion
iii. Absenteeism Who is burning out?
c. On students
d. On schools
i. Retention
ii. Turnover costs
5. Uniqueness of Performing Arts Teachers
a. Roles
b. Unique challenges that may lead to burnout
6. Theoretical Framework