‘What were the social consequences of mass production?’.

I have a power point presentation due for my Sociology of Contemporary Society module. The presentation has to answer the following question: ‘What were the social consequences of mass production?’.

The presentation has to be a total of 10 slides and has to have a bibliography at the end in Harvard referencing. For each slide there should be 1/2 references. Its important to relate the points made back to the presentation question.

The best order I can think of presenting the information for the presentation that answers the question is:

1. Explain why sociologists seem to place such importance on the organisation of production is society

2. Explaining mass production

3. Explaining what is it about the Fordist way of organising production that is so significant. Also including the concept of Fordism and how it came about.

4. Explain in what ways flexible work practices benefit or disadvantage the following groups: management/ workers/society

5. Explaining the social consequences of mass production


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