Write a problem statement for Request for Proposal (RFP) and is supposed to be 1 page.


So this is a problem statement for Request for Proposal (RFP) and this supposed to be 1 page.

The review: you’ve chosen an important health issue and a priority population (PP) who have given so much of themselves to this country. Paper explores a number of reasons why people become homeless.

The challenge lies in describing why the PP experiences it specifically and demonstrating that there’s a health disparity, that veterans experience homelessness more than another group or disproportionately.

Paper vacillates between discussing why homelessness exists and trying to solve the problem. This problem statement is to focus on the health issue, in a population, in a specific community. The problem solving comes in the health promotion program plan.

The only epidemiological data shared is the # of veterans who are homeless in SJ. There are no comparison data nor data showing trends. Contributing factors as described are minimally connected to veterans.

In your research, did you come across impactful evidence that illuminated reasons why veterans specifically are affected by homelessness? If not, perhaps adjusting the problem statement to focus on homeless individuals in San Jose, CA may be more appropriate moving forward. There seems to be enough data giving some explanation for why homelessness is occurring and there are some promising practices that you’ve described.

Beside provide the parts that should be in the paper :

Part I: The Nature and Extent of the Need/Problem

Part II: Factors Contributing to the Problem

Part III: The Impact of the Problem

Part IV: Promising Approaches for Improved Results

The reference u can use from [veteran homless.docx] and outside sources

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