Select two articles on the Human Resource Management (HRM) related topic you choose that are written by two different authors.

Review conventional and current literature on one of the following subjects:

  • Any topic listed under Brief Contents of the text
  • Other topics (upon approval from course instructor)


Select two articles on the Human Resource Management (HRM) related topic you choose that are written by two different authors. Write a 3-page paper using the following format:


Heading on the top portion of Page 1 only (Note: This is not a running head):

  • Your name
  • Course Title
  • Date of Submission
  • The Title and Author of each article
  • The Source of each article


Compare/Contrast the Two Articles (Section Heading)

Use either narrative or outline form to compare/contrast the main points, themes, etc. of each article. (Note: Begins immediately after the Heading on Page 1)


Conclusions (Section Heading)

State and discuss the conclusions/principles drawn from your analysis of the two articles

Application (Section Heading) Associate the conclusions/principles learned to the effective, efficient and strategic operation of the Human Resources function or the organization in total.


Note 1:

  • Use the Section Headings above to separate the sections of your paper
  • The Conclusions and Application sections must constitute 2/3 of the paper

Note 2:

  • The following will assist you in completing this assignment. This information is offered to help you think through the assignment.




Analysis 1.

  1. What are/is the main conclusion(s) (may be stated or unstated; may be recommendations, explanations, and so on, conclusion indicator words and ‘therefore’ test may help.)? ‘Therefore’ – There are certain words and phrases which people characteristically use to indicate that they are arguing a case – that they are presenting reasons for a conclusion. The obvious word people use in this context is ‘therefore’.
  2. What are the reasons (data, evidence) and their structure?
  3. What is assumed (that is, implicit or taken for granted, perhaps in the context)?
  4. Clarify the meaning (by the terms, claims or arguments) which need it? Evaluation
  5. Are the reasons acceptable (including explicit reasons and unstated assumptions – this may involve evaluating factual claims, definitions and value judgments and judging the credibility of a source)?
  6. (a) Does the reasoning support its conclusion(s) (is the support strong, for example ‘beyond reasonable doubt’, or weak?) (b) Are there other relevant consideration/arguments which strengthen or weaken the case? (You may already know these or may have to construct them.)
  7. What is your overall evaluation (in light of 1 through 6)?
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