Compare and contrast innovations and inventions. Generate 5 examples of inventions and innovations—explain why you categorize each as such.

Chapter 3: Creating and Recognizing New Opportunities

Complete all 3 Activities and upload your answers into CANVAS.

Activity 1: Invention versus Innovation

Compare and contrast innovations and inventions. Generate 5 examples of inventions and innovations—explain why you categorize each as such.

Activity 2: Finding versus Building

Compare and contrast finding versus building approaches. Find a contemporary example of each and discuss why you placed each in the respective category.

Activity 3: Debate: But is it ethical to “steal” someone else’s idea and improve upon it?

Read the following blog article by Seth Godin:

Do you agree or disagree with Seth Godin’s view that ideas can’t be stolen?  Is it more ethical to “steal” an idea if the “stealer” improves on it?  Explain your answers.  Give an example of a “stolen” idea that was improved.  (i.e. Starbucks)

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