Monitor the outcomes of your ethical decision. i.e. what has happened in the marketplace as a result—current issues that may be relevant to past actions.

Murphy et al. Case Studies (600 points, 43%)
Weekly cases are assigned from the Murphy, Laczniak and Harris (Murphy et al.) text. Be sure to apply ethical and social responsible theory to your discussion of the case and accompanying questions. This outline is from pp. 55-56:
1. Determine the facts—what, who, when, where—i.e. define the problem.
2. Define the ethical issue in the light of the facts
3. Stakeholder analysis—ALL stakeholders—primary and secondary.
4. Identify major theories or principles that relate to the case.
5. Specify the alternatives (note—plural—more than one possibility), and conduct an ethical analysis of each. (A minimum of THREE alternatives that could be taken.)
6. Make and conduct an ethical analysis of each, and justify each alterative via this analysis.
7. Make and justify your decision.
8. Monitor the outcomes of your ethical decision. i.e. what has happened in the marketplace as a result—current issues that may be relevant to past actions. If this is a “real” company—search for info on updates to this situation. If it is a “created” case—find something similar in the real business world and discuss what has happened, relevant to this case.
9. Identify the questions posed in the text for the case, by additional numbers (i.e. 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, etc.) and provide your answer/response to each.

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