Understanding Standard and Rule Setting in the Accounting Industry (SSAI)
The final paper/project challenges participants in the course to design an educational program for presentation to the department heads at Happy Hospital located at Lake Wobegon, Minnesota by you, a health services manager, with the certified Public Accounting firm, Pennypacker & Vandelay, LLC. The engagement will be to create a series of educational presentations (phase 1 through phase 6) to the department head on the topic of Understanding Standard Rule Setting in the Accounting Industry. (1) U.S. Securities and Exchange (SEC), Financial Accounting Standards board, American Institute of certified Accountants.
Explanation of background:
What is being laid out basically is, you are an employee of Pennypacker & Vandelay, LLC and Happy Hospital ask you to educate their department Head, and what is being asked is to prepare 6 Presentations in weekly basis to assist them in understanding the rule making and setting in the accounting industry.
- The objectives of these organizations are to provide information that is useful to users of financial information in investing and credit decision, assessing cash flow prospects, and claims and changes in them.
- Over the first four weeks of the semester we will examine each one of these organizations for the purpose of understanding their scope and contribution to the profession, and evaluate the implications.