Determine the issues raised in the readings, and in your personal observation and study, that you will focus on in your case study analysis.

Look again at the issues of organization structure. Both supply chain structure and organization structure impact a company’s ability to successfully pursue its vision and strategies. You will use this week’s readings as a guide to your research, investigating sources that will explain your company’s marketing initiatives and finance philosophy.

Then review the case study on coffee provided. You will apply your analysis for this assignment to develop a process for analyzing your own company. Feedback from the instructor on how you approached this case analysis can then be applied to your chosen company for the final report in Unit 11.

  1. Determine the issues raised in the readings, and in your personal observation and study, that you will focus on in your case study analysis. :You will be reviewing the coffee supply chain case study as an example to draw upon for your own paper.  You need to focus on your organization that you are researching no the coffee supply chain case study.
  2.  Analyze the coffee case study and integrate any pertinent implications you have learned from the analysis into your report.
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