Research One Company/Organization for General Company Information in at Least Five Secondary
Sources and Organize That Information into Three Main Topical Areas
A. Select one company or organization for which you would like to work after graduation. Do not
select an industry, product, or service. The company does not need to have an opening now for
a position of interest you. You may select a company or organization of any size, location, or
industry. You may select the same company/organization researched for Oral Presentation 1,
or you may select a different company. You may switch to a different company later if you
are unable to find the required information (Assignment 1B or Assignment 4) or simply lose
interest in the company.
B. Research the company selected in Assignment 1A in at least five secondary sources. The desired
company information may come from any five reliable sources (books, journal, Internet,
company website, social media sources, blogs, company employees, etc.). Information may be
taken from multiple sites from the company webpage—or from any webpage; however, those
multiple sites would be considered a single source.
C. Obtain information for any three company topics of interest (i.e., products or services provided,
company history, recent company news, customers, competitors, advertising or marketing
campaigns, financial information, competitors, etc.). At least one of the company topic areas
must be able to be subdivided into subtopics. Information for larger companies may be located in
the Hoovers Online (Mergent) electronic database, available through the University Library. In a
later assignment you will prepare a visual aid (Assignment 4) to include with the report, so be on the
lookout for possible statistical information that could be converted into a visual aid.
D. Complete the preparation outline, which appears inside the “Written Report Assignment”
Learning Module. The outline will be used in Assignment 2 to “flesh out” or develop the report.
Refer to the format shown in Format Guide 1.