Choose a website that you visit often and using the information about visual perception, detail how the site is being processed by users and how can it be improved for better processing of the information.

Alcohol (1page)
1. How does the drug influence synaptic mechanisms?
2. Does it raise or lower certain neurotransmitters?
3. How does it accomplish this?

(1 page)
For this week’s journal assignment, choose a website that you visit often and using the information about visual perception, detail how the site is being processed by users and how can it be improved for better processing of the information.
Review section 7.5 that covers selective attention. Now that you have a better understanding concerning the limitations of what actually gets processed by our perceptual/cognitive systems, consider how information is presented to us in the world. The example here being a website that you are familiar with. Carefully examine this website and discuss how the site could be improved for easier information processing. You can also detail what the site the does well.

1 page
For this week’s journal entry, you will critically evaluate the legal status of marijuana in the United States. As more and more states vote to legalize marijuana, pitting them against federal law, it’s important for us to discuss the potential effect on Americans. This week present arguments for and against the legalization of marijuana. Feel free to explore websites to get a sense of the opinions out there.

1 page
For this week’s journal entry, lets go to the movies!!! Watch one of the films below:
The Bourne Identity
Total Recall
The Man without a Past
Hitchcock’s Spellbound

Then answer the following questions:

1. Do the symptoms presented in the film fit with the information about brain damage and loss of specific aspects of memory you have learned in this module?
2. How accurate is Hollywood here?

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