Contrast the assumptions of classical and positive criminology. Critically analyze the ways each might be useful or not useful in developing an understanding of the basis of our contemporary crime problem.

1. Contrast the assumptions of classical and positive criminology. Critically analyze the ways each might be useful or not useful in developing an understanding of the basis of our contemporary crime problem. In your analysis refer specifically to drug use, homicide and white-collar crime.

2. Do you think the biogenic/psychogenic theories favor a politically conservative or liberal perspective on crime? Define your terms and give reasons for your answer, providing examples to illustrate your points. As you layout your argument consider how someone might offer an opposing thesis and indicate why you believe your argument is stronger.

3. As the biological and medical sciences develop, one can expect an increase in biological explanations on crime. As a sociologically trained criminologist, explain why you would expect such future approaches to be successful or unsuccessful. Consider both the strength of the scientific evidence available and the social and political nature of our society. Build your case carefully and logically, citing evidence from existing studies, as well as marshalling logical, theoretically based arguments.
4. What were some of the problems in the work of the founders of biogenic theory and how have contemporary criminologists, using the biological perspective, tried to avoid these problems? Provide an evaluation of these efforts.

Part 2: 50 points

1. Select an elected official and examine his or her position on crime and punishment. Be specific: Who? What? How do you know? Identify preclassical, classical, or positivist elements of his or her position. Document this position or these positions by noting the time, date, and TV channel that the official made the public statement. Better yet, cite newspaper articles or find websites in which the official made the public statements. Include this documentation in a 3-5-page paper describing the theoretical underpinnings of the official’s position on crime and punishment.

2. Reflecting the ongoing national debate about whether capital punishment should be abolished or retained, there are numerous discussions of the topic on the internet. Using materials found on the internet, write a 3-5 page paper on the nature of this debate. Begin your paper with a brief summary of the kinds of arguments and evidence used both by abolishionists and retentionists to support their views on capital punishment. Choose one particular website whose author or authors take a clear stand on the issue and who offer several arguments in support of their position. Summarize the discussion and critically evaluate the main or strongest argument/evidence offered by the author(s) as support. What is the position or argument against which this author is arguing? Is this counterargument clearly identified and how effectively does your author deal with it? Can you uncover any biases on the author’s part or can you detect any “fallacies” in the arguments made? How does the material you are reading position itself in the debate between Von Drehle and van den Haag?

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