First page is about: Being a part of, or apart from (using “The Lady of Shalott” and “Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde”) Compare these two works and bring them together.

First page is about: Being a part of, or apart from (using “The Lady of Shalott” and “Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde”) Compare these two works and bring them together. Explain how this “being a part of, or apart from” is relevant within these two works, demonstrate how your examples are connected.
Second page is about: Nature, the supernatural, and the divine. How do authors use one or more of these elements to get at the topic of identity? (using “Bisclavret” by Marie de France, “Goblin Market” by Christina Rossetti, and “Wife of Bath’s Tale” by Chaucer). This page should be more in-depth and you should show how these works are connected to the topic of this page and to each other as well.
Do not make broad claims, focus on direct details from the works.

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