Read the World Changing Aims found in the IWU Student Catalog
Choose an account from the Bible that describes an ethical dilemma and describe what happened in your own words.
Write a six to eight-page paper that includes the following criteria:
Summary of the content of the biblical passage including the story, ethical issue, and outcomes or consequences of choices. Include the scriptural reference. Summarize the passage of scripture in your own words. Do not copy/paste the summary from a biblical reference book or a Bible. The summary of the scripture section should not exceed one page. A few quotes are acceptable but this should be a paraphrase.
Begin your paper with a statement in the introductory paragraph such as, “This paper will summarize the book of Ruth, chapters 1-4, from the Bible.” If you do not have an explanatory phrase similar to this one, you will need to cite each sentence summarizing scripture.
Additional Bible passages or sources included in the paper will need to be cited per APA Manual/APA Central format. Write a six to eight-page paper that includes the following criteria: In another paragraph, apply one provision of the ANA Code of Ethics to the passage.
Application of an ethical principle from your textbook Professional Nursing: Concepts and Challenges.
Identification of at least two IWU World Changer characteristics demonstrated in the biblical account from the IWU World Changing Aims.
Application of the Six-Step Ethical Decision-Making process from your textbook, Professional Nursing; Concepts and Challenges to the biblical account. This paper may be written in the first person, however, maintain professional language