After learning about the various ethical systems and how they compare to Christian ethics, discuss an occasion in life when you saw yourself using one of these faulty systems?

This assignment is less intense and is intended to encourage thoughtful introspection for your life. This is a completion grade, meaning that as long as you answer each question according to the instructions, you will receive full credit for the assignment. In total, this assignment should be one to two pages in length, use proper grammar and spelling, and in Times New Roman 12pt font.

Has this class challenged your thinking on ethical issues? If so, how? (One paragraph or more).
After learning about the various ethical systems and how they compare to Christian ethics, discuss an occasion in life when you saw yourself using one of these faulty systems? (One paragraph or more)
Are there other metaethical theories or issues in applied ethics that you wish we would have covered in the class?
What two things (if any) would you change about this class immediately?
What two things would you not change about this class?

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