Focus on the way communication occurs on Social Media in your set of companies (i.e. focussing on the messages themselves) – for those companies that are communicating at least.

You could focus on the way communication occurs on Social Media in your set of companies (i.e. focussing on the messages themselves) – for those companies that are communicating at least. That would involve some more work, assessing the different sorts of conversations (e.g. what sort of message is it, is it simply broadcasting or two way conversations) – and to do this will need to develop a clear, repeatable method and then assessing communications (we can discuss this in meetings). But you won’t need to assess all 50 companies for this – it would involve selecting a smaller subset and looking at their feeds in some more detail. The choice of these could be based on patterns you’ve noticed in their adoption rates e.g. those that have been on longest versus new users, or companies which have multiple platforms versus just one or two. By scoring the 50 companies, you will have the data to be able to choose the subsets. Use Environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) issues and Social Licence to Operate (SLO) in this project if it is possible.And the companies which investigated are have mining projects in Johannesburg (City in South Africa).

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